Weekly Article Archive

By Eric Moore / Since 2019

Eric Moore, the owner of The Lookout, formerly Jay's Bird Barn, publishes a new article about wild birds and more every Thursday in The Daily Courier.

If you want to read his articles, they can be viewed directly on The Daily Courier’s website.

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I spy a mystery bird!

On a regular basis, I receive emails requesting bird identification help. Sometimes t...

Check your seed feeders for mold

Our abundant monsoon rains have been awesome! It is amazing how quickly everything gr...

My idea for a bird watching reality TV show

Last week we made our annual trip to Provo, Utah, for the Fourth of July to visit chi...

Shrinking Lake, Abundant Birds

Each day I receive rare bird email alert notifications reporting rare bird sightings ...

New birding venue, new birds

I was in Kansas City, Missouri, last week for training at Hallmark's corporate office...

The importance of sharing rare and unusual bird sightings

This past week, we had a surprise visitor to our yard - a male northern cardinal. W...

Wild bird nesting behavior varies by species

This time of year, a topic frequently discussed at the Bird Barn is wild bird nesting...

Bird watching experiences in the Pacific Northwest

This past week, my wife, Gayla, and I visited our son Merritt and his family in Rento...

Looking for birds and finding a bobcat

I managed to get out and do a little birding during the Memorial Day weekend. I ...

A very birdy morning on Mingus Mountain

Ever since the Verde Valley Birding Festival almost a month ago, I have been itching...

Where did the name 'Jay's Bird Barn (now The Lookout)' come from?

Several years ago, at a speaking engagement, when I was explaining - yet again -...

Birding in the Little Thumb Butte area

Two weeks ago, I spent four days along the Verde River, where it runs through Dead H...

A very birdy Verde birding festival

This past week was the annual Verde Valley Birding and Nature Festival at Dead Hor...

Cooper's hawks prey on song birds

This past Sunday, as I was sitting out in my yard, I saw a Cooper's hawk swoop int...

Nesting season is underway

In hiking different segments of the Prescott Circle Trail over the last few weeks, ...

To keep birds visiting your yard, let insects thrive there

This past week I had several speaking engagements - at the Arizona Federation of G...

Birding at Date Creek Ranch

This past week I led a Jay's Bird Barn (now The Lookout)- sponsored bird walk to one...

Drought creates lack of natural food sources for wild birds

This past week, the hummingbirds in my yard managed to drain the feeders in less tha...

Upcoming birding and nature events

The calendar shows that it is officially spring! This means it is time to prepare fo...

Bird watching in Las Vegas

When you think of Las Vegas, bird watching may not be one of the first things that c...

Moores return to Prescott after completing birding adventure

Our last few days in Costa Rica involved more travel time and less birding. At thi...

New habitats, new bird sightings

This is part three in a series. Leaving the central, high- elevation volcanic regi...

Bucket list birding in Costa Rica

The Jay's Bird Barn (now The Lookout)/Prescott Audubon tour of Costa Rica began on W...

Change of pace, change of venue

Last week I wrote about my experience seeing a snowy owl in Odessa, Texas. This wee...

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about the owner

My interest in birds began when I was very young. By the time I was five years old I was fascinated with birds and watched them at feeders in my parent’s yard in Massachusetts.

At the age of 13, I joined the Tucson chapter of the National Audubon Society. When I lived in Utah, I participated in the Utah County Birders Club (there was not an Audubon chapter in Provo). I have been associated with the Prescott chapter of the National Audubon Society for the past eleven years and have served on the board of directors and as the publicity chair.

I have led bird walks, been in charge of the Spring Migratory Bird Count, and I have participated in the Christmas Bird Count in Tucson, Provo, and Prescott for a time period spanning 30 years. I consider myself to be an excellent birder. Birding is more than a hobby for me–it is a passion.

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