Western Bluebird



Plumage / Description

Males are a stunning deep blue color on the head, throat, back, wings and tail and the breasts, flanks, and scapulars are a deep chestnut color. Females are a pale blue-gray color on the head and back. Wings and tail are a pale blue color and the breasts and flanks are a pale rufous color.


Males are a stunning deep blue color on the head, throat, back, wings and tail and the breasts, flanks, and scapulars are a deep chestnut color. Females are a pale blue-gray color on the head and back. Wings and tail are a pale blue color and the breasts and flanks are a pale rufous color.

Relative Abundance



While Western Bluebirds are considered a common year-round resident of the Central Highlands they do move seasonally between habitats. During breeding season they occur at higher elevations, generally above 6,000 feet where they nest in tree cavities. In winter they move down in elevation to find sufficient food, primarily in the form of berries from native trees and shrubs. In winter bluebirds frequently occur at backyard bird baths and flock to open sources of water. A gregarious species; often occurs in small flocks.


Insects, berries, suet, mealworms

Similar Species

Lazuli Bunting

Best Sites

In winter Acker Park, Pioneer Park, in summer at the higher elevations in the Bradshaw Mountains and on Mingus Mountain, generally over 6,000 feet in elevations in ponderosa pine forests. Granite Basin is a good reliable place to see Western Bluebirds.