Cordilleran Flycatcher


Spring, Summer

Plumage / Description

A small non-descript flycatcher easily confused with other flycatchers in the Empidonax genus. The best way to distinguish this flycatcher from other Empidonax flycatchers is by voice and habitat. Head, back, tail and wings are an overall brownish-gray color, belly has a slight olive-green/yellowish wash. Two prominent wing bars, and pale colored lores. Appears to have a slight crest � like many flycatchers species.


A small non-descript flycatcher easily confused with other flycatchers in the Empidonax genus. The best way to distinguish this flycatcher from other Empidonax flycatchers is by voice and habitat. Head, back, tail and wings are an overall brownish-gray color, belly has a slight olive-green/yellowish wash. Two prominent wing bars, and pale colored lores. Appears to have a slight crest � like many flycatchers species.

Relative Abundance

Fairly common in proper habitat during appropriate time of year.


Like other flycatchers uses a 'hawking' technique where it flies out from a perch to catch insects in flight, then lands on a perch to await the discovery of another flying insect.



Similar Species

Willow, Hammond's, and Dusky Flycatchers

Best Sites

Generally above 6,000 feet in elevation in a Ponderosa Pine habitat.Anywhere in a pine forest in the Bradshaw Mountains is the best place to see this species.